Sunday, October 3, 2010

Infotel 2010 Exhibition

Another Infotel 2010 exhibition held on at BMICH. It was started 30th September 2010. i was attended to the exhibition today morning. my job was support to the Microsoft team with my fellow student champs. The first part of the day i join with Microsoft Multipoint Mouse Mischief. It was a  great tool to students and teachers to enhance their efficiency through easy learning method.
In second part i was join to support to the gaming competitions. Actually it was a great fun event and it attract the whole audience in the just second. our game based on the Xbox Console. the game was Moratal Combat. It was fantastic segment in the day.
after look around the exhibition i came to the home in evening. finally i got in to my mind is it was a another exhibition as looks like past. the thing is after finished the work on Microsoft stall i look around the other stalls there's nothing to see and get in to head. Most happening event is game zone in the exhibition area. there was no space to at least to walk through the that area and  there were full crowded.
when I'm leaving in exhibition area i got it in to my mind is, if there was no any gaming section there were no any younger crowed in the exhibition. so the future of IT and Communication depends on the youngest generation. so organizers must try to attract them not only to the gaming and also tot the other stuff.

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