Thursday, October 7, 2010

Windows Live Writer

images1 Today I thought to write something about the windows live writer. it is  amaze tool for bloggers. it simplify our work and save the time. we can set up multiple blogs in writer and this work with blogger, wordpress and more. you can write your post in live writer and can view the like as in blog post editor. In live writer have rich support of editing option and insert option which is can save draft of your post in blog and local hard drive. The live writer support with many plug-ins. so it will easer the the our work more than else in when we writing post in  the blog. we can see source code in live writer as well as in blog. using live writer you can create beautiful blog post quickly its format text, photos ,videos and maps (such as Bing and Google).you can download Windows Live Writer in this link  and  plug–in in this link.

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